Sunday, July 21, 2024
4pm-5:30pm PST / 7pm-8:30pm EST
”Join Queer Mikveh Project for our first Full Moon Mikveh; a monthly gathering to soften, heal, build community and strengthen collective resilience through somatic grounding, creative expression, ritual and connection.
This month we'll gather with the fullness of the Tammuz moon. Tammuz -- the month where the sun shines its brightest -- where our ancestors lived in the precarity of the unknown -- will the sun burn up all our crops? Will we grow enough food to survive the winter? Will we grow enough collective power to survive climate chaos?
This Tammuz we are present with the precarity that the people of Gaza have been living in for the past nine months. As we open to grief for the unfathomable loss and suffering, we will join together to express our grief and our longing for communion. We will transmute our grief into spiritual and material support for the people of Palestine. We will generate blessings for protection, and mutual aid towards surviving the precarity of Israel-made famine.
We will gather two days before 17 Tammuz, a fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. 17 Tammuz marks the beginning of the three week mourning period leading up to Tisha B'Av. In this community, we refuse to exceptionalize our ancestral trauma. We refuse to exceptionalize our grief. We mourn and heal and build together in the spirit of collective liberation for all people.
ASL interpretation will be provided.”